zodiac signs | 3 Min. reading duration
Zodiac sign Libra and zodiac sign Sagittarius
Sagittarius & Libra - They Enjoy Life to the Fullest
The zodiac sign Libra and the zodiac sign Sagittarius share flexibility, communication and optimism. Decisive characteristics that enable a successful relationship. They love to go out and enjoy life to the fullest. Fun is rarely neglected in the process. They often have the same sense of humor and don't take themselves – or life – too seriously.
Traveling to distant, unknown places together to learn about a new culture are recommended activities. In the process, they will become closer and love can grow excellently. The Sagittarius can confidently ignore the fact that the Libra is not as decisive as they are. But that should play into their cards. They like to hold the reins in their hands.
Polite and Impetuous
There is one point of contention, however. From time to time, the fiery Sagittarius is very impetuous. In their appearance, they don’t always attach importance to etiquette and norms. The Libra does not like that – manners are the be-all and end-all for them. Especially when they are in company. This is not just a small stumbling block on the road to happiness, but also the very first hurdle for the polite Libra and the impetuous Sagittarius in getting to know each other.

The Libra Woman and the Sagittarius Man
Einige Gemeinsamkeiten und grundlegende Unterschiede
The Libra woman and Sagittarius man have some challenges ahead. If a harmonious relationship is supposed to work out, these hurdles need to be overcome. They have some similarities, but also fundamental differences. Let's start with the positive ones.
Verbally, they surf on the same wave, they rock each other up until they are floating on cloud nine. The Libra woman appreciates the Sagittarius man's spontaneity, honesty and eagerness – he is literally on fire. Especially when it comes to joint ventures; he takes her to fancy places and always knows how to make his beloved Libra wife laugh.
Your Magic is Hard to Resist
Quite attractive qualities for the enterprising Libra woman. She is sexy, well dressed and has a charm that is hard to resist. Her appearance spurs her beloved to great deeds, she will always be a faithful companion at his side. If necessary, she brings him back down to earth, and together, they develop a verve that makes them welcome guests.
She carries that for quite a while, but the longer the relationship lasts, the paler the pink glasses become. The Libra woman is always concerned with keeping peace. With the Sagittarius man, this can give the impression that she wants to make him someone he is not. He feels like his freedom is being cut into too quickly. He will want to compensate for this feeling by going out on his own.
A Deadlocked Situation
The Sagittarius man is less oriented towards harmony. At times, he acts egocentrically without being concerned about any compromises. He quickly forgets his good manners, even in public. An absolute no-go for the Libra woman.
If the dust doesn't settle, it will lead to a deadlocked situation in which the Libra woman and the Sagittarius man will sooner or later come to the conclusion that they are better off without each other. Honesty in the expression of their feelings is an absolute prerequisite so that the otherwise wonderful relationship does not fall apart. Both are intelligent enough to be able to prevent this.
The Libra Man and the Sagittarius Woman
Sparks Fly With Them
Fire meets air. The Libra man can set the Sagittarius woman on fire with his teasing charm. If she has her eyes on him, the sparks fly and the wind ignites the fire to unprecedented dimensions. They will harmonize in conversation very well. Awkward silence? Absolutely not. “Let's go to the concert.” “I'd love to, and then a round of skinny-dipping.” – this is how easy their communication will be. In addition, the Sagittarius woman gives the Libra man a virtue that he longs for: she is very good at committing to things and doesn't think twice before making a decision. Also because, unlike him, she is not forever weighing up the pros and cons of an issue. She does not care for social norms. This impresses him so much that he can't help but admire her for this quality.
Two Incorrigible Optimists
The Sagittarius woman appreciates the unbiased nature the Libra man and the ease with which he masters the challenges of life. Together, they can sway to the highest heights, but also into the deepest abysses. Every relationship will have its lows sooner or later, which is no reason to doubt everything. Luckily, they are very optimistic.
- Profession & Career
- Love & Partnership
- The Libra Man
- The Libra Woman
- Libra Constellation
- Libra & Aquarius
- Libra & Pisces
- Libra & Aries
- Libra & Taurus
- Libra & Gemini
- Libra & Cancer
- Libra & Leo
- Libra & Virgo
- Libra & Libra
- Libra & Scorpio
- Libra & Sagittarius
- Libra & Capricorn
everything about the Sagittarius
- Profession & Career
- Love & Partnership
- The Sagittarius Man
- The Sagittarius Woman
- Sagittarius Constellation
The Partners of Sagittarius
- Sagittarius & Aquarius
- Sagittarius & Pisces
- Sagittarius & Aries
- Sagittarius & Taurus
- Sagittarius & Gemini
- Sagittarius & Cancer
- Sagittarius & Leo
- Sagittarius & Virgo
- Sagittarius & Libra
- Sagittarius & Scorpio
- Sagittarius & Sagittarius
- Sagittarius & Capricorn
- Zodiac Sign Aquarius
- Zodiac Sign Pisces
- Zodiac Sign Aries
- Zodiac Sign Taurus
- Zodiac Sign Gemini
- Zodiac Sign Cancer
- Zodiac Sign Leo
- Zodiac Sign Virgo
- Zodiac Sign Libra
- Zodiac Sign Scorpio
- Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
- Zodiac Sign Capricorn